Bin Tycoon [NEW] -  BinMastersGang 2011-2015 CopyRight 


What is BinTycoon ?

Bin Tycoon is the extra parts in Binweevils just like a membership in any other games. It offers a lot more than the usual free version, you write magazines,get rare plants for your nest,increase your nest size, get a variety of hats for your weevil and so much more ! It steps you out of the free world .

How do I purchase Bin Tycoon ?

There is a variery of ways you can buy Bin Tycoon :
Sainsbury's Card  
* To purchase Bin Tycoon you have to visit the official website of Binweevils

Why do I need Bin Tycoon ?

Everyone doesn't need to buy Bin Tycoon but if you are one of those people who struggle on a virtual game, it provides a easier way of completing the game[We will show you this in our Bin Tycoon Cheats Section].